Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Take it to the Next Level: 3 Market Research Resources that Boost Competitiveness in Business and Careers.

Successful business owners and career professionals who sustain a competitive edge consistently rely on research and analysis of the market to make decisions and implement strategies that get results. As a business owner, I schedule time within my business schedule to conduct market research and analyze data to see how it will affect my coaching services. Most important, I encourage and guide my clients to use those skills in growing their businesses or in finding a new job.

When I talk to people who own businesses, want to start a business, or are seeking a new job, I find that they have researched and analyzed their competition in the business or job markets. As a professional business and career coach, I recommend that they:

· Use the Internet as an information source
· Read business periodicals and newspapers
· Network strategically

The reasons behind using these three resources are different and distinct; they also have important similarities. Understanding how to use these resources to analyze the marketplace, showcase your unique strengths and work hard to overcome the competition can be major assets to your success.

· Search and use the internet

Online technology is a quick way to search for trends, news, and data. If you own a business, you can “scope out” your competition and see if there are other companies, products and services that you and your business need to add. If your products and services compliment another company’s, you can think about building an alliance or joint venture with them.

The Internet provides job seekers and career changers access to job postings, tools, and resources that can enhance their job search techniques and strategies. Among the resources available are online career support organizations and listings of professionals who can help job seekers personally, e.g., career coaches, resume advisers, recruiters, training programs and videos, etc.

Most importantly, business owners and job seekers can get current, critical data that will help them create their contact approach to get their foot in the front door.

· Read business periodicals and newspapers

Today, I renewed my most valuable resource, the business journal in my city. The site offers 40 or so business newspapers that are published weekly in print and online. I use my city’s business journal to help me read about up and down trends in my cities’ market, which businesses are succeeding, and who are the “mover and shakers” spotlighted and honored for achieving leadership success. I look at the list of events different professional and local groups are offering and register to attend them. I read advice articles on how to growing a business or how to conduct an effective job search.

About six months a go I started reading the Wall Street Journal. I start by reviewing the “agenda” on the left side of the front page. It provides an overview of the story along with the section and page location of the story, so I can quickly turn to those that interest me. Sometimes, I can see a trend or forecast that has helped either my business or those of my clients. Your area also may have a great local newspaper. Look in the business section for information.

As for magazines, I am careful about buying and reading them for a couple of reasons. First, there are so many to choose from. Second, magazine articles may take as much as three months to appear in print, making the information stale by the time you read it. But some issues of magazine offer educational CDs while others offer special reports. Look at magazines that can help your business or your job search.

· Network strategically

Networking with individuals, groups and organizations is extremely important to promoting you, your business, and your career experience if you are seeking a job. How you do it is the issue.

I networked by: (1) joining professional organizations whose purpose is to network with other business professionals and give out referrals; (2) joining professional associations with a large membership, educational and developmental resources, and different network groups, and (3) co-starting different personal network and development groups in both career change and/or business development. Sometimes this was necessary because I could not find a group that addressed my needs as well as the needs of others with similar goals.

Recently a group of small private business owners got together and started our own business development group that meets once a month. At each meeting we briefly introduce ourselves and tell a short commercial about our business, but most of the time is spent on a business topic will help us grow our businesses and help each other. Try it yourself.

Please post your thoughts and comments in a post. Also, if you want to publish this blog article or print to share, please keep this copyright permission statement with the article. These articles in are joyfully shared to help others, but not to be used for profit or selling to others. Copyright 2009 Bette Novak, LifePath Associates LLC.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Take It to the Next Level - Economy Going UP and I Am Still Unemployed; Now What Can I Do?

I read a recent article in the Wall Street Journal and it is stuck in my brain. The article said that “Bernake [Federal Reserve Chairman] sees an end to recession...but doesn’t see many new jobs soon.”

So what does that mean to those of you who are still looking for a job? It means that we still need to do our own work to search and find jobs in a competitive and tough market place. I work with people who are frustrated and worried about getting a job soon. To help them see what they can do to boost their job search, I use two check lists that help them see a system in searching for a job. I divided the two check lists into terms of traditional and non-traditional job search strategies. I define non-traditional in terms of new and creative job search strategies that are emerging or those that job seekers over look.

I want to share these check lists. Each shows the top 5 strategies.

Traditional Job Search Strategies

  • Resumes (Chronological, Funtional or Combination)
  • Network/Referrals (friends, colleagues, family and professional organzations)
  • Research Job Postings (online, newspapers, professional magazines, etc.)
  • Skilled Interview and Job Offer Negotiations
  • Follow-up and Correspondence (cover letters, thank you notes, broadcast letters, cold call letters, etc.)

Non-traditional/New Job Search Strategies

  • Online Connecting and Networking (Online Job Posting Site and Social Media Networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook)
  • Electronic Career Marketing Website (your own electronic portfolio)
  • Job Fairs and Special Events (“Pink Slip” Parties)
  • Personal Professional Business Card (your mini-resume or calling card to help others remember you and refer you to job opportunities)
  • Informational Interviews (make contact, learn about different jobs, and create a connection and build rapport to get good quality referrals)

These are only 10 strategies that will help you re-energize your job search. There are many more considerations and ideas that you may use too. One extra strategy is “branding you”. It can be a key element to market yourself so you stand out from your competition. Another extra strategy is to find a “survivor job”. It is recommended by some of the nationally known headhunters and recruiters interviewed on major news station. Finding a “survivor job” is a temporary employment solution that accomplishes two things: (1) provides income to meet your life expenses and (2) it helps people get out of the house and keeps them open to meeting people who can refer them onto a job opportunity in their chosen career.

Seeking a job can be seen as a challenge and an opportunity to reflect and grow, or it can be seen as a crisis and nightmare. Seek the positive path. You will find your reward.

Please post your thoughts and comments in a post. Also, if you want to publish this blog article or print to share, please keep this copyright permission statement with the article. These articles in are joyfully shared to help others, but not to be used for profit or selling to others. Copyright 2009 Bette Novak, LifePath Associates LLC.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Take It to the Next Level by Remembering Others

I hope that the Memorial Day weekend was a special one for all you who observe it and that you recovered from all the food and activities. I certainly did and I realized that it had been a long time since I really celebrated this holiday with others.

While I was enjoying my friends and family during the weekend at a BBQ or two, I also thought of those that were no longer here…those brave men and women who had fallen in war time and those who are now serving our country over seas.

I was fortunate enough to celebrate Memorial Day with a number of veterans, especially my father-in-law, who survived some of the bitterest and bloodiest battled in the European theater during World War II. My own father, a navy veteran, died may years ago and so this day brings up memories of his life, too.

I thought that “remembering others” is a way to take it to the next level in our lives and that remembering them will inspire us to draw on the same strengths that they had and use our own strengths to meet and overcome the challenges that we are experiencing today. Some of those challenges that may apply to our life and business:

• Needing a vision and mission to follow
• Managing our budgets and reducing or eliminating debts
• Saving for our future needs
• Helping others who are having trouble in these times
• Valuing people
• Continuously learn and remain curious; ask questions, take part in the answers and create and implement solutions.

My wish is that you will share your stories about “remembering others” and how they have influenced you in “taking it to the next level” in your life, career and business.

Let the summer begin!

If you want to talk about any of these ideas or need some help working in this current environment, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Bette Novak, Business-Life Coach at to schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching session.

If you want to publish this blog article or print to share, please keep this copyright permission statement with the article. These articles in are joyfully shared to help others, but not to used for profit or selling by others. Copyright 2009 Bette Novak, LifePath Associates LLC.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Take It to the Next Level: Dealing with Recession into Recovery

A note: I will write about career change and job search in the next article. The news this week gave me a lot to think about and so I decided to change the focus of this week’s blog article to this topic.

I am sure that you have felt some optimism when you hear that:
• Layoffs have decreased according to the recent figures.
• Realtors say that they have seen an increase in home sales.
• The White House is looking at programs that no longer help us and so decreasing spending.
• Help in Education and Re-Training may be appearing soon.

So what does that mean to those of you who have lost your job, are seeking employment, trying to change to a stronger career, and just keep yourself upbeat and healthy?

What it says to me is:
1. You need to be in charge of your recovery and finding a job that you want to do and have some long term employment opportunities.
2. Figure out your own “system” for recovering yourself financially, being more careful about your spending , understanding what the basics are required to live (food, shelter, good health, medical, keeping friends and family close and maintain your spirituality- religious or non-religious).
3. Try to learn more about our government, current and past (our founding fathers times). Understand what your role should be as a citizen of this country and what you can do to continue to make this the nation that we believe in.
4. Find opportunities to continually learn and grow that are affordable and that benefits your personal and professional/business goals and aspirations.

I have traveled that road to:
• Overcome my financial woes and become more solvent, able to pay off bills each month, have money in the bank at the end of the month, build and save money for our retirement and if needed for emergencies. Be more careful about spending.
• Get help to improve and sustain better health and a good weight and exercise program. Still working on both. Eating out hardly at all, eating in and cooking more naturally and healthily. Putting in a garden again this year with loads of green veggies and herbs with a few fruits.
• Keeping in touch with friends, family and colleagues. It is not just business, but it also helps gain more balance in energy, self-awareness and the comfort of connecting with others.
• Continuously learning and re-evaluating how my business is doing. Creating plans and setting new goals for this coming year that will take my business to the next level of a six digit income. Also learning the new technologies such as social media networking. Still working on that…

Good luck in creating your own personal recovery plan to get out of your recession.

If you want to talk about any of these ideas or need some help working in this current environment, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Bette Novak, Business-Life Coach at to schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching session.

If you want to publish this blog article or print to share, please keep this copyright permission statement with the article. These articles in are joyfully shared to help others, but not to used for profit or selling by others. Copyright 2009 Bette Novak, LifePath Associates LLC.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Take It to the Next Level – First the Recession, Now What?

“First the Recession, Now What…?” I’ve been hearing this statement-question from many people. First we had to battle the down turn in the economy, the falling down of Wall Street and the crisis in the auto industry and spending from Congress…just as we feel that we may have started dealing with all of these challenges…next comes a possible if not rapidly escalating pandemic of swine flu. Yikes.

I don’t know about you, but at this point I am being extremely careful, not paranoid. I have asthma and so I have to be watchful. However, I am lucky. I can conduct my coaching business from home, via the internet and telephone. And so, I am working on the part of my plans that says, “Now is the time to conduct more teleclasses, to start virtual coaching groups, and create more interactive places on my web and blog.”

So I am taking action and scheduling more teleclasses from May through the summer; and I have completed for publishing two workbooks. One for career changers and job search as well as another one that helps coaches, entrepreneurs and small business owners to prepare a “wow factor” 60-minute marketing workshop that attracts 20 plus potential clients. Also, I will be designing an eCourse to be launched at the end of May – A Surprise to be announced soon.

If you are doing this too, please consider conducting these after the swine flu has gone away. Planning, preparation and practice are the keys to succeeding with these workshops and launching you comprehensive job search.

So what are you doing to take you and your business to the next level? I know that I would love to hear what you are doing and so would others. Write your comments and share your stories and advice.

Next time, we will talk more about what Career Changers and Job Seekers can do during these challenging times. Look for this article during the week of May 4th.

If you want to talk about any of these ideas or need some help working in this current environment, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Bette Novak, Business-Life Coach at to schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching session.

If you want to publish this blog article or print to share, please keep this copyright permission statement with the article. These articles in are joyfully shared to help others, but not to used for profit or selling by others. Copyright 2009 Bette Novak, LifePath Associates LLC.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Take it to the Next Level: Patience with Technology

Hello. Today has been a lesson in patience, espcially with a person like me who likes the technology when it is up and running and really gets upset when it goes down or breaks.

This morning, I turned on my little red Blackberry Smartphone and realized there was not light on the screen and then when it did come on, no movement on the track ball.

Well 4 hours later, I now have:

1. Gotten a new BB 8830 in silver (the store did not have any red).
2. The Blackberry server or system was down and being fixed.
3. I had to spend some amount of time talking to very nice techical support person with VerizonWireless, who helped me upload my email boxes inspite of the up/down again system.

Phew, I thought, "Thank goodness" for patience and perseverence and counting to 10 a number of times.

I didn't realize how being "off the cell phone and PDA grid" could be so stressful.

I did take time to learn how to manage email better, so I don't blow another track ball deleting each email separately.

And I found that I can get a red phone in October. I like red because I can see it better in my purse.

I know that this story sounds a little trite, but I think that we all go through some sort of technology stressout. It is good that we know how and whom to go to the help us through it.

So enjoy the technology that you have and develop patience, because you too may need it some time.

Wishing you a profitable week and I invite you to send comments about any of the "Taking it to the Next Level" blog messages that are written here.

Next week, I hope to announce some exciting new things happening with LifePath Associates LLC and what it has to offer career changers and job seekers and entrepreneurs who want to start up or grow their business.

Bette Z. Novak
Business-Life Coach
LifePath Associates LLC
Helping Navigate the Seas of Change

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Taking It to the Next being able to start again

Hello! I realize that you have been wondering why is this blog being neglected? Because, sometimes "Taking it to the Next Level" in your business, career and life means that you have to reflect, redirect and start over again...and that is what LifePath Associates LLC and I did in late 2008 to now, April 2009.

I am committed now to writing more often on this blog and would like you to share your ideas, thoughts, responses etc. about what you are doing in your business, career and life to "Take it to the Next Level".

Here are 3 things that I am doing:

Business -- Being clearer about who I serve and how they will benefti by working with me as their coach and contracting with LifePath Associates LLC for business and organization consulting. As coaches and consultants, we are here to help you navigate the seas of change with purpose, passion and from a position of strength, integrity and marketability.

Career -- Complete the creation of a career guide that offers you a "down to earth" and fun to read job search in a workbook style.

Marketing and Delivery -- Preparing a fairly comprehensive marketing and delivery of coaching and consulting services, specially created tools to help you market and brand you and your business in different effective ways. The "branding and marketing" also applies to people experience career transition and job search.

Look for more on this blog site; a new website; training online, teleclass, and/or workshop; and coaching packages for individuals and groups.

My challenge to you and I invite you to share your story is to answer this question:

Since the beginning of 2009, What have I been doing to "take it to the next level" in my business, career and/or life?

Talk to you soon.

Bette Z. Novak
LifePath Associates LLC