Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Take It to the Next Level by Remembering Others

I hope that the Memorial Day weekend was a special one for all you who observe it and that you recovered from all the food and activities. I certainly did and I realized that it had been a long time since I really celebrated this holiday with others.

While I was enjoying my friends and family during the weekend at a BBQ or two, I also thought of those that were no longer here…those brave men and women who had fallen in war time and those who are now serving our country over seas.

I was fortunate enough to celebrate Memorial Day with a number of veterans, especially my father-in-law, who survived some of the bitterest and bloodiest battled in the European theater during World War II. My own father, a navy veteran, died may years ago and so this day brings up memories of his life, too.

I thought that “remembering others” is a way to take it to the next level in our lives and that remembering them will inspire us to draw on the same strengths that they had and use our own strengths to meet and overcome the challenges that we are experiencing today. Some of those challenges that may apply to our life and business:

• Needing a vision and mission to follow
• Managing our budgets and reducing or eliminating debts
• Saving for our future needs
• Helping others who are having trouble in these times
• Valuing people
• Continuously learn and remain curious; ask questions, take part in the answers and create and implement solutions.

My wish is that you will share your stories about “remembering others” and how they have influenced you in “taking it to the next level” in your life, career and business.

Let the summer begin!

If you want to talk about any of these ideas or need some help working in this current environment, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Bette Novak, Business-Life Coach at to schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching session.

If you want to publish this blog article or print to share, please keep this copyright permission statement with the article. These articles in are joyfully shared to help others, but not to used for profit or selling by others. Copyright 2009 Bette Novak, LifePath Associates LLC.