Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What IS “Taking It To The Next Level?”

Taking It to the Next Level is a call to action for people who want to move forward in their life, career, and/or business and achieve goals, happiness and success. I have found that when I move forward and take action to move my business goals to their next level, I feel highly energized and very satisfied with life and myself. That positive energy flows outward and it reflects on others around me. They gain an additional energy push and work on things that they had not been able to do so before.

That is the reason that I love to coach people and see them find their dreams, figure out what they need to get there and then go for it…they “take themselves to the next level.” I get so energized when people searching for that special job or career find it and keep it. I like to share the happiness that one feels when they have met their profit margin or added a new service to their business or created a product that they can market and sell while they are asleep, giving them passive income so they can work smarter and not harder.