Thursday, April 30, 2009

Take It to the Next Level – First the Recession, Now What?

“First the Recession, Now What…?” I’ve been hearing this statement-question from many people. First we had to battle the down turn in the economy, the falling down of Wall Street and the crisis in the auto industry and spending from Congress…just as we feel that we may have started dealing with all of these challenges…next comes a possible if not rapidly escalating pandemic of swine flu. Yikes.

I don’t know about you, but at this point I am being extremely careful, not paranoid. I have asthma and so I have to be watchful. However, I am lucky. I can conduct my coaching business from home, via the internet and telephone. And so, I am working on the part of my plans that says, “Now is the time to conduct more teleclasses, to start virtual coaching groups, and create more interactive places on my web and blog.”

So I am taking action and scheduling more teleclasses from May through the summer; and I have completed for publishing two workbooks. One for career changers and job search as well as another one that helps coaches, entrepreneurs and small business owners to prepare a “wow factor” 60-minute marketing workshop that attracts 20 plus potential clients. Also, I will be designing an eCourse to be launched at the end of May – A Surprise to be announced soon.

If you are doing this too, please consider conducting these after the swine flu has gone away. Planning, preparation and practice are the keys to succeeding with these workshops and launching you comprehensive job search.

So what are you doing to take you and your business to the next level? I know that I would love to hear what you are doing and so would others. Write your comments and share your stories and advice.

Next time, we will talk more about what Career Changers and Job Seekers can do during these challenging times. Look for this article during the week of May 4th.

If you want to talk about any of these ideas or need some help working in this current environment, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Bette Novak, Business-Life Coach at to schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching session.

If you want to publish this blog article or print to share, please keep this copyright permission statement with the article. These articles in are joyfully shared to help others, but not to used for profit or selling by others. Copyright 2009 Bette Novak, LifePath Associates LLC.

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